Facial Plastic Surgery in Houston

If you’re struggling with the effects of aging or unhappy with the appearance of your face, facial plastic surgery in Houston can refresh your look and restore your confidence. Layton Aesthetic Plastic Surgery can help rejuvenate the appearance of multiple facial features, including your eyes, facial contours, neck, and skin. Dr. Layton offers both traditional and cutting-edge techniques designed to give you natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures with Dr. Layton

Layton Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers numerous facial plastic surgery procedures at our Houston practice. Nationally-recognized plastic surgeon Dr. Ernest Layton could target various face and neck features, such as excess skin or signs of aging, leaving you with a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Facelift and Neck Lift

Facelift and neck lift procedures aim to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle that cause wrinkles and an aged appearance. Reduction in excess skin on the face and neck using either procedure could provide you with a firmer, smoother, and younger appearance. These facial plastic surgery procedures may be performed individually or in conjunction with one another at our Houston practice.

Cheek and Chin Enhancement

Aging could lead to thinner facial tissue giving a hollow appearance, but a cheek enhancement procedure could reduce wrinkles and enhance your contours. Additionally, a chin enhancement operation could increase facial symmetry and the definition of your jawline through an implant placed around the chin bone.

Brow and Forehead Lift

Sagging or excess skin on the forehead may negatively affect facial expressions, leading an individual to look worried, tired, or angry. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, aims to smooth contours by removing excess skin for a fresher, younger appearance.

Eyelid Lift

Wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging skin could give your eyes a tired and aged appearance. An eyelid lift can provide a refreshed, youthful appearance by reducing excess skin, puffiness, and signs of wrinkles from both lower and upper eyelids.

Ear Pinning

Also known as otoplasty, an ear pinning procedure aims to set ears closer to the head or reduce the size of larger ears. By setting ears closer to the head, they may appear smaller and less prominent than other facial features.

Is Facial Plastic Surgery Painful?

Layton Aesthetic Plastic Surgery prides itself on delivering natural results while minimizing discomfort. For many procedures, you can be under general anesthesia and sleep through the process. While it is normal to feel some soreness or tenderness in the days following your procedure, Dr. Layton can work with you to minimize pain and help you have a relaxing recovery.

Reach Out to Dr. Layton in Houston for Cutting-Edge Facial Plastic Surgery

If you are concerned about sagging skin or the contours of specific facial features, Layton Aesthetic Plastic Surgery could have suitable options for you. Facial plastic surgery in Houston aims to reduce excess skin, wrinkles, and fat deposits on the face to produce a smoother, youthful appearance. Dr. Layton offers numerous cosmetic treatment options, including both traditional and minimally invasive techniques. Call today to learn more.

Visit Us At One Of Our Two Convenient Locations

Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner
Suite 2200
Houston, TX 77024